What is Therapeutic Massage?

Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs) in British Columbia are health care professionals committed to restoring and maintaining optimal health and pain-free function of the body.
They are educated and trained to accurately assess and treat with techniques that include massage and manual therapy, joint mobilization, hydrotherapy, and rehabilitative exercise such as stretching, strengthening, postural exercise and patient education.
Over the past decade, there has been a significant rise in the demand for massage therapy in B.C. This can be attributed to higher educational standards, research studies showing the efficacy of massage therapy, and an overall increase in public demand for non-surgical and drug-free treatment options.
In British Columbia, over 75 percent of medical physicians regularly refer their patients to a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) – and they make these referrals because massage therapy is both accessible and effective in the treatment of their patients’ conditions. Today, RMTs use a blend of modern science and ancient philosophies, utilizing specific techniques and modalities to treat many conditions that may include, but are not limited to:
Arthritis | Fibrositis and Fibrosis | Insomnia | Rotator cuff tears |
Bronchitis | Fractures | Knee injury | Sprains |
Buergers’ Disease | Frozen Shoulder | Low Back Pain | Strains |
Bursitis | Gout | Migraine | Stress-related disorders |
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome | Headaches | Parkinson’s Disease | Synovitis |
Cerebral Palsy | Hemiplegia | Pes Planus | Shoulder separations and dislocations |
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome | Herniated back (disc) | Plantar Fasciitis | Systemic Lupus Erythematosus |
Chronic Pain | Digestive Disorders | Poliomyelitis & Post Polio Syndrome | Thoracic Outlet Syndrome |
Constipation | Dislocations | Postural Deformities | Tendinitis |
Contractures | Dupuytrens’ Contracture | Raynaud’s Disease | Tenosynovitis |
Contusions | Dysmennorhea | Scars | TMJ Dysfunction |
Cramps | Edema | Sciatica | Varicose Veins |
Degenerative Disc Disease | Emphysema | Scoliosis | Whiplash |
Massage therapy is also remarkably effective when used as part of a preventive care program. Some examples of general wellness care include pre or post-natal care (pregnancy), infant massage, stress management, sports training, injury prevention and performance enhancement.
Adapted from the Massage Therapists Association website www.massagetherapy.com