*** Naiomi is on maternity leave starting Jan 8, 2023. We wish her all the best while they welcome this precious little bundle into their lives. Naiomi hopes to return to the clinic in Early summer 2023. You can like us on Instagram to get all the clinic updates. ***

Naiomi provides a person centred approach to her treatments through assessment, treatment planning, selecting manual techniques, and choosing a self care plan that fits her patients lifestyle and personal goals. She combines focused therapeutic modalities with soothing relaxation massage. The full body is incorporated in each treatment when possible to allow for the parasympathetic (rest and digest) system to engage. She uses other modalities like MET (muscle energy techniques), myofascial release therapy, joint mobilizations and trigger point therapy where appropriate.
Drawing from her yoga teaching background, she incorporates a focus on the breath during treatments, helping patients find deeper relaxation. She uses gentle strokes and more specific deep pressure using intention given towards the breath, to facilitate the release of held tension in the body. Healing the body and mind is a multifaceted journey and as a Massage Therapist, Naiomi aims to provide space to allow her patients to find ease in areas of tension and discomfort.
Naiomi graduated from the 3000-hour program at Nelson’s Kootenay Columbia College of Integrative Health Sciences. She currently resides in Nelson, BC, the traditional territories of the Sinixt, the Syilx, and the Ktunaxa peoples. Originally from Nova Scotia, Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq People. There she completed her Bachelors of Fine Art. Her favourite subject included studying anatomical charts, drawing musculoskeletal studies and learning anatomical terminology.
Naiomi has completed 600 hours of training in yoga instruction and in this practice she became intrigued with how physical movement can provide ease in the body and quiet the mind. It was always a goal to further her understanding of anatomy and therefore moving to study Massage Therapy was a natural next step.
She is registered and in good standing with the College of Massage Therapists of BC.